Friday, June 24, 2011

Foto Friday

Papakye This green parrot is talented. At times he can sound like a child crying then go to the opposite, a woman laughing, it is really fun to watch these birds and listen to them. In Suriname they call these birds pa-pa-kye.


  1. Sounds a little scary...crying baby to laughing woman? lol Pretty bird though.

  2. Yeah especially in the middle of the night. LOL! I never thought of it like that.

  3. Anonymous6/27/2011

    Oh this is too funny, one of the little native kids was telling me it's name, but I never got it right, all my brain registered was "payaso" which means CLOWN in Spanish!!! Hahahahahaha lololol I cracked myself up! U should have seen the little kids face everytime I asked him "where is your payaso piki?" lol. -Carmen
