Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Merry Christmas...

As in other countries Christmas is a time when people eat a lot, have family over or not, and be stressed. I experienced these feelings exactly my first Christmas in Suriname. One of the young ladies from our congregation actually got married on Christmas day. We were responsible for putting a few things together, like the program, decorations, practice, and other wedding stuff. Stress! Since this was a Haitian wedding there was a lot of food. There was food for probably like 1,000 people (I’m not exaggerating, o.k. maybe a bit). There was rice and beans, chicken, salad, fried plantain, and even roti. 

There are many people that have loved us here in Suriname like family. I really appreciate them. Since it was the holiday season more people were off, but very busy. Around this time I did miss my family. I’ll try not to make this a sob story but this was part of my life in Suriname. Right? The moment that I really got to my breaking point was at the church Christmas program. In the sanctuary there were poinsettias, everyone looked so nice, the music was great. All of a sudden it was like my heart just dropped. ‘What child is this?’ was being played by a saxophonist and I just started to cry. Yes, tears just streamed down my eyes with memories of my friends and family. My husband saw this and felt really bad. He consoled me and let me cry on his shoulder. 

I kind of knew that that day would come, but since that low point I have been rising to higher heights. All of the encouragement and support is really appreciated. I have realized that even though you are away from family and friends there is a greater mission for you to accomplish for that moment in time. Sometimes when you are at your lowest point you can be an even greater blessing to those around you. 

Don't feel bad for's all part of the work.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear Tamu. I know how it feels. :) I had a breaking point before we left for the Texas Christmas mission, but it proved to be such a blessing! Like you said, when we are at our lowest God is at His highest. Enjoyed your post!
