Tuesday, September 13, 2011

She Is Missed

BANG!...and a car speeding away was the sound that I woke up to last Wednesday morning at 5:30. Jumping out of bed to find out what happened I saw Mrs. Broija (a dog) limping across the street. All the dogs in the neighborhood started to cry and howl for this crime that a negligent driver had committed. I watched her struggle to keep her head up as she sat on the side of the road. The neighbors came out to see what all the commotion was about. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't I periodically looked out the window to see if she was okay. The last look was her final breath. She died. I never even pet her (because she was a stray) but I felt so sad inside to know that a dog who always sat on my porch was now dead. I felt that it was appropriate to write about it because her 'husband', Broija, who lives next door hasn't been the same since she left. The house I live in used to be Broija's. When his owners moved away there was a sense of loss. Now about 2-3 years later his wife dies I want the world to know that Broija is hurting too. Dogs do mourn and we should be considerate of there feelings. As for Mrs. Broija, we had a mini-funeral in the backyard. We dug a deep hole and laid her there.

Missing Mrs. Broija...

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